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what is Local Area Network
Local Area Network is a network that is placed in small and limited area for information sharing between computers. There are machines and computers present in the LAN network, they are also called nodes. Every node in a LAN can access data with any node from anywhere in the LAN. In this way, all machines and computers present in the LAN can do data and resource sharing. 

Resource sharing means that all nodes present in the network can share one single resource. The biggest advantage of resource sharing is that computers can share expensive devices such as printers. This means there is no need to purchase printers for every machine, only one printer can be used by every node or computer.

In the LAN network, data transmission is faster but there is one obstacle in LAN as above it states that it only works for a limited area and short range, apart from that only limited number of nodes can be connected in LAN network.

There are lot of network technologies which implements LAN such as Ethernet, Token ring, apple talk etc.The most famous and widely used LAN technology is Ethernet. Every technology is different from other technologies in following way :-

1) Topology - It defines the position of nodes in the network. For example, all nodes can be connected in same straight line or in a circular ring.

2) Protocol - Protocol define rules for sending and receiving data between nodes. How data will be encoded or decoded is also define in protocol.

3) Media - Media determines how nodes will be linked together. For example, nodes can be linked through coaxial cable, twisted pair, or fiber optic cables. Apart from this wireless media can also be used.

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